What we do

Changing times

During times of change and uncertainty in the marketplace, many organisations are seeking more effective ways of ensuring workforce effectiveness with ever reducing budgets.

Organisations are also becoming more focused on maximising the impact of the mid to senior level hires via personality profiling and ability testing to ensure they have the ‘best’ people for the job.

Although many organisations are able to offer personality and ability tests directly to end-user clients, there still remains a substantial resource requirement needed to manage assessments, interpret off-the-shelf outputs and write reports highlighting the relevant factors with a set of competency-based questions to be used at interview.

Assessment – we believe there is a better way

We enjoy close relationships with all the test publishers, relationships we have cultivated over many years.

We know their products well, have been trained in them, trained others in the use of them, and used them at the ‘coal face’.

The assessment landscape has changed vastly over the last decade, through significant M&A activity and the increased deployment of tests through enhanced technological means.

We are aware of the latest assessments, contemporary use of Item Response Theory, randomised testing, adaptive testing, item banking, computer adaptability and gaming technology. We are also very familiar with the more traditional assessments and for that matter, everything in between.

We will advise on the best assessments for your given challenge, or should you prefer, deploy the assessments you instruct us to (although there are some we do not advocate).

Not only do we use the best assessments for the job at hand, we also interpret and tailor the outputs to align with objective criteria and critical success factors within the person specification and job description. All our tailored and bespoke assessments are written by vastly experienced Chartered Psychologists who also happen to be assessment specialists.

For every tailored report we write, we provide an in-depth feedback session to the interviewers and/or Board members before the interviews and each candidate is offered a full development debrief after their interview.

Please contact us to discuss how we can make assessment better, faster and more cost efficient for you.

No more lengthy contracts to sign – forever! Our Outsourced Assessment Service is totally flexible – you can use our Assessment Services on an individual or all short-listed candidate basis or much more widely to underpin all of your assessment requirements.

Our model removes from our clients the need to commit internal resources in the deployment, interpretation, report writing and associated feedbacks for psychometric and ability testing.


Our clients have immediate access to highly experienced Chartered Occupational Psychologists who have worked with and alongside some of the industy leaders in psychometric test development and interpretation.

Removing the need to have expensive internal resources direclty involved in the assessment process, thereby saving or clients time, money and resources which could be more effectively deployed elsewhere.